The Hundred Years War

1337 to 1453

EDWARDIAN WAR: 1337 to 1360


  • Philip of France invited to meet delegation from England
  • arrière-ban proclaimed by throughout the Kingdom of France


  • Edward III declared himself ‘King of France and the French Royal Arms’
  • Battle of Sluys

1345: Battle of Auberoche


  • Battle of Crécy
  • Henry of Lancaster’s chevauchee

1347: Siege of Calais

1347: Battle of La Roche-Derrien

1348: Black Death – pause in fighting

1348: the Jacquerie peasant revolt in France


  • Battle of Calais
  • Battle of Winchelsea

1351: Battle of the Thirty

1355: Black Princes’ Chevauchee

1356: Battle of Poitiers – French King John captured

1­357: Truce of Bordeaux


  • Black Monday – freak hailstorm devastated English army, forced peace talks
  • Treaty of Bretigny – Edward III renounces claim to French throne in exchange for Duchy of Aquitaine

1364: King John of France died in London

1367: Battle of Najare

CAROLINE WAR: 1369 TO 1389

1369: French king summoned the Black Prince to Paris – refused – Charles declares war

1370: John Chandos killed in skirmish near Lussac-les-Châteaux.


  • Poitiers retaken by French
  • English naval defeat at La Rochelle

1373: Chevauchee led by John of Gaunt

1375: Treaty of Bruges – 12-month truce

1376: Black Prince dies

1377: Edward III dies – Richard II – child king


  • Charles V dies – Charles VI – aged 11 another child king – regency rule
  • Earl of Buckingham – Chevauchee

1381: Peasant’s Revolt in England

1382: Harelle revolt in Rouen

1383 – 1385: Portuguese interregnum

1386: Philip II of Burgundy – planned invasion of England – fail due to autumn weather

1388: negotiations resume with France

1389: Truce of Luelinghem

1389 to 1415: Second Peace

1392: Charles VI descends becomes psychotic

1399: John of Gaunt dies

1399: Henry of Bolingbroke deposes Richard II – becomes King Henry IV

1400: Welsh rebellion – Owain Glyndwr –

1402: Scottish defeated at Battle of Homildon Hill

1403: Battle of Shrewsbury

1413: Henry V crowned king of England

1415: Glyndwr Rising finally put down – period of Welsh semi-independence

LANCASTRIAN WAR – 1415 – 1453


  • Henry V invades Normandy
  • Battle of Agincourt

1420: Treaty of Troyes

1421: Battle of Bauge – Duke of Clarence killed


  • ­Henry V dies of dysentery
  • Charles VI dies

1424: Battle of Verneuil

1428: Siege of Orleans


  • Joan of Arc – inspired by her the French raised the siege
  • English army routed near Patay


  • Charles VII crowned king of France
  • Siege of Paris lifted
  • Henry VI crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey

1430: Joan of Arc captured at the siege of Compiegne


  • Henry VI crowned king of France at Notre Dame
  • Joan of Arc burned at the stake

1435: Treaty of Arras

1449: French retake Rouen

1450: Battle of Formigny

1451: Gascony surrendered

1452: John Talbot retakes Gascony


  • John Talbot dies
  • Battle of Castillon – considered the last battle of the Hundred Years’ War

England and France remained formally at war for another 20 years

1455: Wars of the Roses

1475: Treaty of Picquigny – formally ended the Hundred Years’ War